At Precision Stampings, a great deal of sophistication has been built into the basic manufacturing inputs. The press shop and the tools and dies are designed to be manufactured by CNC wire EDM Machines, Jig Boring and Jig Grinding Machines imported from Europe. We also use a large number of highly sophisticated indigenous machines, to make our manufacturing units one of the most sophisticated and state of the art in the country.
Our captive facility for making tools and dies gives us a significant advantage, enabling our factories to take up projects from concept to commissioning; and provides continued tool room support to our industry-leading clients . Our largest wire cut (FANUC) has a tank size of 1000mm. We design our own tools, moulds, and fixtures for standard and custom made laminations according to our clients' specifications and needs.
A large number of dies exist for standard and custom made stampings and various other more specific designs are continuously being developed to meet new requirements of Motor Engineering, thus catering effectively and efficiently to changing customer requirements.